Nordic women's GFR retreat
För kvinnor

Nordic women's GFR retreat

Friday 25 October – Friday 1 November

This retreat is open to all women mitras who have asked for ordination. 
The retreat starts with dinner at 18.30 on Friday 25th October and ends 11.00 on Friday 1st November.
Come for the whole retreat or leave early (on a weekday if you want to take the free bus to Sala station).

The theme of our retreat is Bodhicitta: the awakened heart's profound longing to relieve the sufferings of all living beings. 

Together we will focus on deepening this compassionate commitment. How can we do this without becoming overwhelmed by our and others' suffering? The answer lies in deepening our Going For Refuge to the Three Jewels and developing wisdom - especially insight into the nature of self and other; the nature of Reality.

We are all in the same boat, trying to live life as best we can, all wanting to be happy, yet creating suffering for ourselves and others by not seeing how life really works. So we'll look at ways of caring for ourselves and others, softening into our hearts' longing for freedom.

This heartfelt longing arises from the practice of loving kindness (metta) and compassion (karuna), involving the cultivation of a broader perspective and the will to act for the benefit of all.

Reflecting upon Bodhicitta frequently we develop the aspiration and courage to practise and move towards Enlightenment.

"By the merit of my generosity and other virtuous acts, 
May I attain awakening for the benefit of all sentient beings."
The Bodhicaryavatara

Picture: White-Robed Kannon by Kawanabe Kyōsai

Book Now: 4 580 kr / 2 920 kr

Learn more about our prices levels in the next booking step

More questions? Get in touch

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the price?

The price covers the cost of the retreat, including accommodation and all meals. The price does not include dana/donation or support for the retreat leaders, apart from travel expenses, the members of the order who lead do not receive any payments for retreats at Dharmagiri.

When does the retreat start and end?

The retreat begins with dinner at 18:30. You are welcome to come anytime from 15:00. We wish that you do not plan to arrive later than 18.30. If you still think you might need it, contact us before booking.

We finish in the afternoon at 14:00.

What are the accommodations like at the retreat?

Dharmagiri offers simple but comfortable accommodation. You will share a room with 1-5 other people and we will eat all meals together.

Being on retreat together means taking care of each other. The team leading the retreat are volunteers who are also on the retreat and we will ask you to help with cooking, cleaning and simple chores. Working together is a great way to get to know each other, and it also helps us keep the cost of the retreat to a minimum.

Can I have a single room?

Dharmagiri has one single room that can be allocated to a person with special needs. If you require a single room in order to attend, please contact us prior to booking to ensure availability.

What kind of food is it?

We eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together every day. Many Buddhists eat a vegan diet as an expression of nonviolence. All food at Dharmagiri is therefore vegan. If you have any allergies, it is important that you contact us before booking to ensure we can accommodate your special dietary requirements.

What do I need to bring?

If you are not traveling from another country, we ask you to bring your own bedding (sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases). You also need to bring all the toiletries you need, including towels. For those who have traveled a long way or forgot to bring sheets, these are available to rent against payment. Individual toiletries are also available for sale.

The Team


Om Dharmagiri retreatcenter

Dharmagiri är vårt retreatcenter i Väster Bännbäck, 3 mil norr om Sala. Det ligger i en tyst och naturskön omgivning med 10 minuters promenad från Dalälven. Huvudbyggnaden är en gammal skola som har visat sig fungera mycket bra för retreater.